Old 3D Game Art Gallery (Circa 2008)

  • Barge
  • Pagoda
  • Plane
  • SternGuy
  • OldWork

Watch my demo reel (Flash video).
It contains the first 3 models from the gallery.

3d Modeler / Environment Artist / World Scripter

I am not pursuing a career as a game artist anymore, but I am still working on games in my spare time using Unity (mostly as a programmer and game designer). I studied Game Art and Design, with a focus on 3d modeling and hard-surface/object/prop/environment modeling. I can create 3d objects efficiently, low-poly if need be, UVW Unwrap them, and paint textures. I primarily work with 3d Studio Max, and am familiar with XSI and Zbrush.

Game Programming and Scripting Projects

  • Unannounced PC and iPad Project, 2012- present
  • Bio-Luminescence – (2006-2007)

    Two quarter team project developing a mod using the Unreal 2 engine. Wrote unrealscript for a total conversion with an NPC dialog system, basic melee combat, and quadraped character animations. I functioned as project manager / assistant producer on this project, as well as contributing and cleaning up various 3d models.
  • Crazy Deli – (2004)

    In BlitzBasic I re-created the arcade classic BurgerTime as a personal project to learn how to program a full game. I improved immsensely from it, through a lot of trial and error, asking questions, and debugging. Created custom level editor, collision detection with snapping to platforms, enemy AI that uses generated pathnodes, sprites and tilesets, option menus and scoring, etc.
  • Universal Law of Gravitation – (2006)

    Created in BlitzMax in one night for a Physics project, based upon Wave’s Asteroids tutorial. Changed the example from one screen to free-roaming scrolling with starfields, added mass and sun/planet with gravitational pull, if aimed right you can orbit around the sun or use the slingshot effect. I realized it is kind of like the original Spacewar…without the bullets.

Friends and Links

Design and Development

3d Art